
Lirik Lagu Marcell - Ordinary World

PANCASWARA LYRICS - Apakah kamu mencari Lirik Lagu Marcell - Ordinary World? Inilah Lirik Lagu Marcell - Ordinary World yang sedang viral di TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube dan di platform media sosial lainnya.

PANCASWARA - Lirik Lagu "Marcell - Ordinary World" Terbaru di Koleksi Lirik Lagu PANCASWARA Single Pop Indonesia 2016. Download lagu dan chord gitar tidak disediakan di blog ini. Lagu "Marcell - Ordinary World" ini merupakan single koleksi terbaru di bulan Desember 2016. Berikut adalah lirik lagu lengkap dari "Marcell - Ordinary World" :

Lirik Lagu "Marcell - Ordinary World" Terbaru (2016)
Title:Ordinary World
Album:Single Pop Indonesia (2016)
Genre:Pop, English, Easy Listening

came in from a rainy thursday
on the avenue
thought i heard you talking softly
i turned on the lights
the tv and the radio
still i can't escape the ghost of you

what is has happened to it all
crazy some are saying
where is the life that i recognize
gone away

but i won't cry for yesterday
there's an ordinary world
somehow i have to find
and as i try to make my way
to the ordinary world
i will learn to survive

passion or coincidence
once prompted you to say
pride will tear us both apart
well now pride's
gone out the window
cross the rooftops, run away
left me in the vacuum of my heart

what is happening to me
crazy some'd say
where is my friend
when i need you most
hmm.. gone away

but i won't cry for yesterday
there's an ordinary world
somehow i have to find
and as i try to make my way
to the ordinary world
i will learn to survive

huuhuhuhuuu... noooo...
huhuhuhuhuu.. noooo...


papers in the roadside
tell of suffering and greed
here today forgot tomorrow, hmmm..
here besides the news of
holy war and holy need
ours is just a little sorrowed talk

and i don't cry for yesterday
there's an ordinary world
somehow i have to find oohh..
and as i try to make my way
to the ordinary world
i will learn to survive

huhuhuhuhu... is my world
anyone... huhuuuu...
i will learn to survive

Lirik Lagu Marcell - Ordinary World sepenuhnya adalah hak cipta dari artis, musisi dan label musik yang bersangkutan dan lagu ini bisa kamu dengarkan di media streaming musik online seperti KKBox, JOOX, iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Resso, YTMusic dan masih banyak lagi atau kamu bisa membelinya di toko musik terdekat di kotamu. PANCASWARA LYRICS tidak menyediakan format audio atau tautan unduhan apa pun di blog ini. Kami mengumpulkan semua informasi dari semua sumber di internet tentang Lirik Lagu Marcell - Ordinary World dan itu hanya sebagai informasi tambahan dan media pendidikan untuk menambah pengetahuan musik kita semua.

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