
Lirik Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything

PANCASWARA LYRICS - Apakah kamu mencari Lirik Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything? Inilah Lirik Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything yang sedang viral di TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube dan di platform media sosial lainnya.

Lirik Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything dari album "Weezer (The Black Album) (2019)" :

[Hook] :
Do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do

[Verse 1] :
Once upon a time, there was a prince
He tried to save the world with funk rock riffs
Look at him now, oh
Look at him now, oh
On cobblestones
[Chorus] :
He's the prince who wanted everything
He's the prince who wanted everything

[Hook] :
Do do do do
Do do do do

[Verse 2] :
Ooh, his hair was very Joan Baez
And fans would auction off his autographs
Look at him now, oh
Look at him now, oh
His paisley bones
[Chorus] :
He's the prince who wanted everything
He's the prince who wanted everything

[Hook] :
Do do do do
She do do do

[Bridge] :
Because life will make a beggar of rich men
Bring the sovereign to his knees
And all the gold and all of the platinum
Melting like a chocolate sea
The only way to escape
Is to dance, dance, dance in the flames

[Hook] :
Do do do do
Do do do do
[Verse 3] :
All the courtiers would genuflect
Kiss the ring, secure a bonus check
Where are they now, oh?
Where are they now, oh?
In red Corvettes

[Chorus] :
They left the prince who wanted everything
He's the prince who wanted everything

[Outro] :
Do do do do
PANCASWARA - Penulis lagu The Prince Who Wanted Everything yang dinyanyikan oleh Weezer adalah Luther Russell, Brian Bell & Rivers Cuomo. Lagu The Prince Who Wanted Everything ini ada dalam album "Weezer (The Black Album) (2019)".

Pastikan kamu sudah melihat video musik Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything, dan Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything bisa didengarkan di toko musik, platform digital dan media streaming kesayanganmu seperti iTunes, KKBOX, Deezer, JOOX, Spotify, Langit Musik dan lainnya. Chord Gitar untuk Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything saat ini belum tersedia. Dapatkan lirik lagu Weezer lainnya hanya di Pancaswara.com

Lirik Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything sepenuhnya adalah hak cipta dari artis, musisi dan label musik yang bersangkutan dan lagu ini bisa kamu dengarkan di media streaming musik online seperti KKBox, JOOX, iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Resso, YTMusic dan masih banyak lagi atau kamu bisa membelinya di toko musik terdekat di kotamu. PANCASWARA LYRICS tidak menyediakan format audio atau tautan unduhan apa pun di blog ini. Kami mengumpulkan semua informasi dari semua sumber di internet tentang Lirik Lagu Weezer - The Prince Who Wanted Everything dan itu hanya sebagai informasi tambahan dan media pendidikan untuk menambah pengetahuan musik kita semua.

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