The will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Let's push thе emperors into the ocеan
Ayo kita gulingkan kaisar ke laut
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat)
(The will of the, will of the)
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Don't need a goon to flirt with devotion
Tak perlu orang jahat supaya menggoda dengan pengabdian
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat)
(The will of the, will of the)
(Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
With every hour, our number increases
Setiap jamnya, jumlah kami bertambah banyak
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat)
(The will of the, will of the)
(Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
We'll smash your institutions to pieces
Kami akan menghancurkan institusi kalian hingga berkeping-keping
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat)
(The will of the, will of the)
(Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
We need a transformation
Kami butuh transformasi
One we all can see
Sesuatu yang bisa kami saksikan
We need a revolution
Kami butuh revolusi
So long as we stay free (The will of the, will of the)
Selama kami tetap bebas (Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
Welcome to the desecration, baby
Selamat datang di pelanggaran, sayang
We'll build you right up, then we'll tear you down
Kami akan membentuk kalian dengan benar, kemudian kami akan mencabik-cabik kaliab
Welcome to the celebration, baby
Selamat datang di perayaan, sayang
The judges are jailed and the future is ours
Para hakim dipenjara dan masa depan adalah milik kami
Free your sons and unlock your daughters
Bebaskan putra-putramu dan bukalah kunci putri-putrimu
We'll throw the baby out with the bathwater
Kami akan membuang bayi bersama air mandinya
With every second, our anger increases
Setiap detik, kemarahan kami meningkat
We're gonna smash your nation to pieces
Kami akan menghancurkan negara kalian hingga berserakan
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat)
(The will of the, will of the)
(Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
We need a transmutation
Kami butuh transmutasi
One we all conceive
Sesuatu yang dibayangkan oleh semuanya
We need a revolution
Kami butuh revolusi
So long as we stay free (The will of the, will of the)
Selama kami bebas (Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
Welcome to the desecration, baby
Selamat datang di pelanggaran, sayang
We'll build you right up, then we'll tear you down
Kami akan membentuk kalian dengan benar, kemudian kami akan mencabik-cabik kaliab
Welcome to the celebration, baby
Selamat datang di perayaan, sayang
The judges are jailed and the future is ours
Para hakim dipenjara dan masa depan adalah milik kami
The will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the sheeple
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak dari para domba
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
Will of the people, the will of the people
Kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat
The will of the, will of the
Kehendak dari, kehendak dari
(The will of the, will of the)
(Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
Welcome to the desecration, baby
Selamat datang di pelanggaran, sayang
We'll build you right up, then we'll tear you down
Kami akan membentuk kalian dengan benar, lalu kami akan mencabik-cabik kalian
(The will of the, will of the)
(Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)
Welcome to the celebration, baby
Selamat datang di perayaan, sayang
The judges are jailed and the future is ours
Para hakim dipenjara dan masa depan adalah milik kami
(The will of the, will of the)
(Kehendak dari, kehendak dari)