Lirik Lagu Brandon Ratcliff - Rules of Breaking Up
Rules of Breaking Up Lirik Terjemahan
oleh : Brandon Ratcliff
Can't go out and not be seen cause you gotta give her space, uh huh
Tak mampu keluar dan terlihat karena kau harus memberinya ruang, uh huh
Can't go back to being friends, it don't work that way, uh huh
Tak bisa kembali tuk menjadi teman, caranya tak berhasil. uh huh
You can't call her up tell her everything you're thinking
Kau tak bisa meneleponnya mengatakan padanya semua yang kau pikirkan
Can't show up at her place every time you're drinking
Tak bisa datang di tempatnya setiap kali kau mabuk
You can't keep hoping that she might be calling by
Kau tetap tak bisa berharap bahwa dia akan menelepon
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up never kissed your lips
Siapapun yang menulis aturan putus cinta dia tak pernah mencium bibirmu
Touched your skin, held the world at their fingertips
Menyentuh kulitmu, menggengam dunia di ujung jarinya
Didn't have a clue what heaven was
Tak punya petunjuk apa itu surga
No they didn't have to lose that kind of love
Tidak mereka tak perlu kehilangan cinta semacam itu
And if they ever saw that smile, ever felt your fire
Dan andai mereka pernah melihat senyum itu, pernah merasakan bara apimu
They might know what I'm going through
Mereka mungkin tahu apa yang kualami
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up
Siapapun yang menulis aturan putus cinta itu
Ever been broke up? Broke up over you
Pernah putus cinta? menghancurkanmu
I guess I'm 'sposed to go right out and try to meet somebody new, mm mm
Aku rasa aku seharusnya langsung pergi dan mencoba tuk bertemu seseorang yang baru, mm mm
Is she going to be as confident, intelligent and as cool as hell as you? No no, no no
Adakah dia akan menjadi Pede, cerdas dan keren seperti dirimu? Tidak tidak, tidak tidak
I know he said that in the end it's probably for the best, but I gotta get this off my chest
Aku tahu dia berkata bahwa pada akhirnya itulah yang terbaik, Namun aku harus menyingkirkan ini dari dadaku
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up never kissed your lips
Siapapun yang menulis aturan putus cinta dia tak pernah mencium bibirmu
Touched your skin, held the world at their fingertips
Menyentuh kulitmu, menggengam dunia di ujung jarinya
Didn't have a clue what heaven was
Tak punya petunjuk apa itu surga
No they didn't have to lose that kind of love
Tidak mereka tak perlu kehilangan jenis semacam itu
And if they ever saw that smile, ever felt your fire
Dan andai mereka pernah melihat senyum itu, pernah merasakan bara apimu
They might know what I'm going through
Mereka mungkin tahu apa yang kualami
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up
Siapapun yang menulis aturan putus cinta itu
Ever been broke up? Broke up
Pernah putus cinta? putus
They say that you need time apart, but I can't stop hoping
Mereka bilang kau butuh waktu merenung, namun aku tak mampu berhenti berharap
Hoping that the rules are just like hearts, and they can be broken
Berharap bahwa aturan itu layaknya sebuah hati, dan mereka bisa dihancurkan
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up never kissed your lips
Siapapun yang menulis aturan putus cinta dia tak pernah mencium bibirmu
Touched your skin, held the world at their fingertips
Menyentuh kulitmu, menggengam dunia di ujung jarinya
Didn't have a clue what heaven was
Tak punya petunjuk apa itu surga
No they didn't have to lose that kind of love
Tidak mereka tak perlu kehilangan cinta semacam itu
And if they ever saw that smile, ever felt your fire
Dan andai mereka pernah melihat senyum itu, pernah merasakan bara apimu
They might know what I'm going through (what I'm going through)
Mereka mungkin tahu apa yang aku alami (apa yang ku alami)
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up
Siapapun yang menulis aturan tentang putus cinta
Ever been broke up (broke up)? Broke up over you
Sudah pernah putus cinta (putus cinta)? Menghancurkanmu
(Broke up, broke up, broke up)
(Putus, putus, putus)
They never been broke up (broke up, broke up), never been broke up
Mereka tak pernah putus cinta (putus, putus, putus), tak pernah putus cinta
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up
Siapapun yang menulis aturan putus cinta
Penulis lagu Rules of Breaking Up yang dinyanyikan oleh Brandon Ratcliff adalah Brandon Ratcliff, A.J. Babcock, Pete Good dan Busbee.