
Lirik Lagu Weezer - Living in L.A.

PANCASWARA LYRICS - Apakah kamu mencari Lirik Lagu Weezer - Living in L.A.? Inilah Lirik Lagu Weezer - Living in L.A. yang sedang viral di TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube dan di platform media sosial lainnya.

Lirik Lagu Weezer - Can't Knock dari album "Weezer (The Black Album) (2019)" :

[Verse 1] :
I'm back in black, no one to hold my hand
It seems that we're together, but alone
And now I hear the ticking of a clock
I know we're going down a slippery slope
[Pre-Chorus] :
I wonder what it's like out there
And my eyes are like far away spaceships (Uh)
You are a sealed up door
There's gotta be more to our lives than this

[Chorus] :
This girl I like
I'm talking 'bout this girl I like
But I feel so lonely, feel so lonely
Uh, uh, yeah, I'm living in L.A
This girl I like
I'm talking 'bout this girl I like
But I feel so lonely, feel so lonely
Uh, uh, yeah, I'm living in L.A
[Verse 2] :
We're fortune's fools when we took the bait
We sacrifice our lives for rock and roll
Je ne sais pas, burning at the stake
We never really had a choice at all

[Pre-Chorus] :
I wonder what it's like out there
And my eyes are two far away spaceships
You are a sealed up door
And there's gotta be more to our lives than this

[Chorus] :
This girl I like
I'm talking 'bout this girl I like
But I feel so lonely, feel so lonely
Uh, uh, yeah, I'm living in L.A
This girl I like
I'm talking 'bout this girl I like
But I feel so lonely, feel so lonely
Uh, uh, yeah, I'm living in L.A
[Bridge] :
Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
And I'm still trying to figure out my life
Pretending we don't want each other
Alright, now
Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
And the spider is sucking out my life
And I'm reaching out to touch her (Oh)

[Chorus] :
This girl I like
I'm talking 'bout this girl I like
But I feel so lonely, feel so lonely
Uh, uh, yeah, I'm living in L.A
This girl I like
I'm talking 'bout this girl I like
But I feel so lonely, feel so lonely
Uh, uh, yeah, I'm living in L.A
This girl I like
I'm talking 'bout this girl I like
But I feel so lonely, feel so lonely
Uh, uh, yeah, I'm living in L.A
PANCASWARA - Penulis lagu Living in L.A. yang dinyanyikan oleh Weezer adalah Rivers Cuomo, Jonny Coffer & Jerome Williams. Lagu Living in L.A. ini ada dalam album "Weezer (The Black Album) (2019)".

Pastikan kamu sudah melihat video musik Weezer - Living in L.A., dan Lagu Weezer - Living in L.A. bisa didengarkan di toko musik, platform digital dan media streaming kesayanganmu seperti iTunes, KKBOX, Deezer, JOOX, Spotify, Langit Musik dan lainnya. Chord Gitar untuk Lagu Weezer - Living in L.A. saat ini belum tersedia. Dapatkan lirik lagu Weezer lainnya hanya di Pancaswara.com

Lirik Lagu Weezer - Living in L.A. sepenuhnya adalah hak cipta dari artis, musisi dan label musik yang bersangkutan dan lagu ini bisa kamu dengarkan di media streaming musik online seperti KKBox, JOOX, iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Resso, YTMusic dan masih banyak lagi atau kamu bisa membelinya di toko musik terdekat di kotamu. PANCASWARA LYRICS tidak menyediakan format audio atau tautan unduhan apa pun di blog ini. Kami mengumpulkan semua informasi dari semua sumber di internet tentang Lirik Lagu Weezer - Living in L.A. dan itu hanya sebagai informasi tambahan dan media pendidikan untuk menambah pengetahuan musik kita semua.

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